17th International River Symposium
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17th International River Symposium

The 2014 IRS, held in Canberra, centred on the theme "Large River Basins: Drivers for Change," focusing on the challenges and opportunities of managing some of the world’s most critical river systems.

Event Date

15th - 18th September 2014

The 2014 International River Symposium, held in Canberra, explored the theme “Large River Basins,” focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities of managing the world’s most significant river systems. These basins often span multiple countries and support millions of people, making their management particularly complex.

Experts discussed transboundary cooperation, water sharing agreements, and basin-wide planning as essential tools for managing large river basins sustainably. The symposium also addressed the ecological importance of these basins and the need to balance their role in supporting human activities with maintaining ecosystem health.

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